Feeding Guide for Mini Rex Bunnies

Are you a proud owner of a mini Rex bunny? If so, you may be wondering what the best diet is to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. Look no further! This informative article will provide you with a comprehensive feeding guide for mini Rex bunnies, ensuring that you have all the information you need to nourish your pet with the right foods. From hay to veggies, we will explore the dietary needs of mini Rex bunnies, helping you make informed choices when it comes to their nutrition. So, let’s hop right in and discover the perfect diet for your adorable mini Rex bunny!

Essential Nutrients for Mini Rex Bunnies

Mini Rex bunnies, like all rabbits, have specific dietary needs to ensure they stay healthy and happy. Providing them with a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is crucial. Here are the key nutrients that should be included in their diet:


Protein is essential for the growth, development, and maintenance of your Mini Rex bunny’s body. It helps build strong muscles, supports immune function, and repairs tissues. High-quality sources of protein include Timothy hay-based pellets and fresh vegetables like leafy greens.


Fiber is a vital component of a Mini Rex bunny’s diet. It aids in proper digestion and helps prevent common digestive issues such as hairballs or gastrointestinal stasis. Hay, especially Timothy hay, is an excellent source of fiber that should make up the majority of their diet.


Vitamins play a crucial role in your Mini Rex bunny’s overall health. They are necessary for healthy vision, a strong immune system, and proper cell functioning. Fresh vegetables and leafy greens are fantastic sources of vitamins, particularly vitamin A, which is important for maintaining good eyesight.


Minerals are essential for various bodily functions and help maintain strong bones and teeth. Calcium, in particular, is vital to prevent dental issues and osteoporosis. It can be found in leafy greens, vegetables, and hay.


Water is a fundamental component of any living creature’s diet, and Mini Rex bunnies are no exception. Ensure fresh, clean water is always available to them in a water bottle or bowl. Hydration is crucial for their overall well-being and helps prevent dehydration-related health issues.

Hay and Grass

Hay and grass should form the foundation of your Mini Rex bunny’s diet. They are an excellent source of fiber and provide the necessary dental wear. There are different types of hay, and it’s important to provide variety to keep your bunny interested:

Timothy Hay

Timothy hay is often considered the best hay for Mini Rex bunnies. It is low in calcium and protein, making it suitable for adult rabbits. Timothy hay helps maintain good digestive health and is readily available at pet stores.

Orchard Grass

Orchard grass is another great option for your Mini Rex bunny. It has a sweeter taste compared to Timothy hay and may entice picky eaters. Orchard grass is also low in calcium and protein, making it a suitable choice for rabbits.

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Meadow Hay

Meadow hay is a mix of various grasses and other plants found in meadows. It offers a wider variety of tastes and textures for your bunny to enjoy. However, it is important to ensure that the meadow hay you choose is free from harmful plants or contaminants.

Benefits of Hay

Hay is essential for your Mini Rex bunny’s dental health, as it helps wear down their continuously growing teeth. It also provides necessary dietary fiber, keeps their digestive system functioning properly, and prevents boredom.

Quantity and Frequency

You should provide an unlimited amount of hay to your Mini Rex bunny. They should be able to have access to fresh hay at all times. Aim to replace the hay in their enclosure daily to maintain its freshness. Remember to monitor their hay intake to ensure they are eating enough and not excessively.

Fresh Vegetables and Herbs

Fresh vegetables and herbs are a crucial part of a Mini Rex bunny’s diet. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and additional fiber. However, it’s important to introduce new vegetables gradually to avoid digestive upsets. Here are some vegetable and herb options that are safe for your Mini Rex bunny:

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, kale, spinach, and arugula are excellent choices for your bunny. They are rich in vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. Avoid feeding them iceberg lettuce, as it is not as nutritionally beneficial.

Root Vegetables

Carrots and radishes are root vegetables that can be given to your Mini Rex bunny in moderation. These are tasty treats that provide additional nutrients. Remember to cut them into small pieces and offer them occasionally as rewards or enrichment items.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts can be given in small portions as an occasional treat. While they are safe for bunnies, these vegetables tend to cause gas, so it’s important not to overfeed them.


Herbs like parsley, cilantro, basil, and mint can be offered as a tasty snack for your Mini Rex bunny. Not only do they add flavor to their diet, but they also provide additional nutrients. Always ensure the herbs are fresh and free from pesticides.

Food Safety

When feeding fresh vegetables and herbs, it’s important to wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides. Additionally, avoid offering plants from your garden, as they may have been exposed to chemicals or harmful substances.


Pellets are a convenient way to ensure your Mini Rex bunny gets a well-balanced diet. They should be formulated specifically for rabbits and should contain high-quality ingredients. Here are some key considerations when it comes to pellets:


Choose pellets that are specifically made for rabbits and avoid generic or mixed-animal pellets. Look for brands that prioritize high-quality ingredients and have a good reputation. Avoid pellets with excessive amounts of protein or added sugars.


Pellets should make up a smaller portion of your Mini Rex bunny’s diet compared to hay and fresh vegetables. Follow the feeding recommendations on the pellet bag based on your bunny’s weight and age. Adjust the quantities accordingly as they grow or if they have specific dietary needs.

Choosing the Right Pellets

Opt for pellets that are high in fiber and contain a good balance of essential nutrients. Look for options that have a diverse range of ingredients, including hay, herbs, and leafy greens. Avoid pellets with added artificial colors or flavors.

Avoiding Selective Feeding

Some rabbits have a tendency to selectively feed on their favorite pellets, which can lead to an imbalance in their diet. To prevent this, ensure you provide a variety of hays and fresh vegetables, alongside the pellets, encouraging a more balanced and natural feeding habit.

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Transitioning to Pellets

When introducing pellets to a Mini Rex bunny’s diet for the first time or switching to a different brand, it’s important to do so gradually. Start by mixing a small amount of the new pellets with their regular food, gradually increasing the ratio over several days until they are fully transitioned.


Treats can be an enjoyable addition to your Mini Rex bunny’s diet. However, it’s important to choose them wisely and offer them in moderation. Here are some guidelines for providing treats to your bunny:

Safe Treat Options

Safe treat options for Mini Rex bunnies include small pieces of fruits like apple, pear, or berries. You can also offer them tiny portions of safe vegetables or herbs as a special treat. Always ensure that the treats are fresh, clean, and free from any pesticides.

Moderation is Key

While treats are an exciting part of your bunny’s day, it’s important not to overfeed them. Treats should make up only a small percentage of their overall diet. Feeding too many treats can lead to obesity, digestive issues, or a lack of interest in their regular food.

Homemade Treats

Making your own treats for your Mini Rex bunny can be a fun and rewarding experience. There are numerous online resources available with recipes for homemade bunny treats. Ensure that the ingredients are safe for rabbits and avoid adding any harmful substances like sugars or artificial sweeteners.

Training and Bonding

Treats can also be used as a training tool or as a way to bond with your Mini Rex bunny. Offer a small piece of treat as a reward during training sessions or use them to encourage positive behavior. This will help strengthen the bond between you and your bunny.

Prohibited Foods

Certain foods should always be avoided as they can be harmful or even toxic to Mini Rex bunnies. It’s important to be aware of these prohibited foods to ensure the well-being of your furry friend. Here are some foods to avoid feeding your bunny:


Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine, which is toxic to rabbits. Even small amounts can be extremely dangerous and potentially fatal. Never offer your Mini Rex bunny any kind of chocolate or foods containing chocolate as an ingredient.

Sugary Foods and Drinks

Sugary foods like candies, cakes, or sugary drinks should be strictly avoided. Rabbits cannot handle high amounts of sugar, and such foods can lead to obesity, dental issues, digestive problems, or even diabetes.


Caffeine is another ingredient that should be kept away from Mini Rex bunnies. It can cause rapid heartbeat, restlessness, and even be fatal in large doses. Avoid feeding them any caffeinated products such as coffee or tea.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic, in any form (raw or cooked), should never be given to your Mini Rex bunny. These vegetables can cause severe digestive issues, including gastric stasis, anorexia, or even damage to red blood cells.

Processed Foods

Avoid offering any processed or highly processed foods to your Mini Rex bunny. These foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and preservatives, which can be harmful and lead to various health problems. Stick to fresh, natural, and healthy food options for your bunny.

Introducing New Foods

When introducing new foods to your Mini Rex bunny’s diet, it’s essential to proceed with caution. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and safe transition:

Slow Transition

When offering a new food, start by introducing a small amount and gradually increase it over several days. This will allow your bunny’s digestive system to adjust and minimize the chances of an upset stomach or diarrhea.


Monitor your bunny closely after introducing a new food. Look for any signs of discomfort, allergic reactions, or changes in behavior. If you notice anything unusual, remove the food from their diet and consult a veterinarian if necessary.

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Identifying Allergies or Sensitivities

Just like humans, rabbits can develop allergies or sensitivities to certain foods. If you suspect your Mini Rex bunny is having a negative reaction to a particular food, discontinue feeding it and consult a veterinarian for further guidance.

Consulting a Veterinarian

If you have any concerns or questions regarding your Mini Rex bunny’s diet, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian. They can provide expert advice tailored to your bunny’s specific needs and help ensure they are receiving proper nutrition.

Feeding Accessories

Using the right feeding accessories can enhance your Mini Rex bunny’s feeding experience and make mealtime more enjoyable. Here are some essential accessories to consider:

Feeding Bowls

Choose shallow, ceramic or stainless-steel feeding bowls for your bunny’s pellets and fresh vegetables. These bowls are easy to clean and difficult for your bunny to tip over. Avoid using plastic bowls, as they can harbor bacteria and be chewed on.

Water Bottles

A water bottle is a great way to ensure your Mini Rex bunny has access to clean and fresh water at all times. Choose a bottle that attaches securely to their enclosure and check it regularly to ensure it’s functioning correctly.

Hay Racks

Hay racks are a convenient way to provide hay to your Mini Rex bunny without it getting soiled or being wasted. Look for racks that are easily attachable to their enclosure and provide ample space for them to pull hay out.

Toys for Foraging

Consider providing your Mini Rex bunny with toys that encourage natural foraging behavior. This will keep them mentally stimulated and provide additional entertainment during feeding time. Toys like treat balls or puzzle feeders can be filled with hay or small treats to keep them engaged.

Feeding Routine

Establishing a consistent feeding routine for your Mini Rex bunny is essential to their overall well-being. Here are some factors to consider when it comes to their feeding routine:


Try to feed your bunny at the same time each day. Rabbits thrive on routine, and having consistent meal times can help prevent digestive issues and maintain a healthy appetite. Stick to a schedule that works best for both you and your bunny.


It’s important to provide the right amount of food for your Mini Rex bunny based on their age, size, and activity level. Consult feeding guidelines provided on pellet bags or seek advice from a veterinarian to determine appropriate portion sizes.

Meal Frequency

Adult Mini Rex bunnies can have their daily food split into two meals, one in the morning and one in the evening. This helps prevent overeating and ensures they have a constant supply of fresh hay throughout the day. Younger bunnies or rabbits with specific dietary needs may require more frequent meals.

Scheduled Feeding Times

Having scheduled feeding times helps establish a routine and gives you the opportunity to monitor your bunny’s appetite and behavior. These times can also be used for bonding with your bunny or incorporating training sessions.


Proper hydration is crucial for your Mini Rex bunny’s overall health and well-being. Here are some important considerations when it comes to their hydration:

Water Availability

Ensure your Mini Rex bunny always has access to fresh, clean water. Monitor their water bottle or bowl regularly and refill as needed. It’s essential to change the water daily to prevent bacterial growth or contamination.

Clean and Fresh Water

Regularly clean your bunny’s water bottle or bowl to maintain hygiene and prevent the buildup of algae, bacteria, or other contaminants. Rinse thoroughly and refill with fresh water.

Monitoring Water Intake

Keep an eye on your Mini Rex bunny’s water intake. A sudden decrease in water consumption could be a sign of an underlying health issue, while excessive drinking may indicate various conditions. Contact your veterinarian if you notice any significant changes in their water consumption.

Dehydration Signs

It’s important to be aware of the signs of dehydration in rabbits, as it can be a serious health concern. Some common signs include dry mouth, loss of appetite, lethargy, sunken eyes, or decreased urine output. If you notice any of these signs, seek veterinary attention immediately.

Remember, providing a well-balanced diet, plenty of fresh hay, and clean water is essential for the health and happiness of your Mini Rex bunny. By following these guidelines and consulting with a veterinarian, you can ensure your furry friend receives the proper nutrition they need to thrive.